Sunday, May 2, 2010

Ambaji &mt.Abu Tour

Date 20/01/2010
was her first crush even It Was A great day for me on that day we (Me,Manisha,Brijesh,Maulika And Rakesh) were went to Ambaji and Mt.Abu.It was areally great day for all of us. first of all we had visited Ambaji mandir than to Gabbar and after it we Left for Abu.At was a great journery with my love and My best friends(Brijesh,Maulika And Rakesh).In the car during travelling we had alot of fun. speacilly the Joke and the top secerts of every one. Maulika had boldly told that Pratikbrijesh don't know regarding this.:)we had visited Gurushikhar,Nakkilake and Finally Sun set Point.This photo showing me and Rakesh (White shirt is of mine) on the sun set.We had captured lots snap through out the way some of them i will post here. It was really great day for us,Specially for me and Manisha.

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